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Bahasa Inggris Komputer (Internet Items)

Name  : Anindita Saraswati
Class   : Informatics Engineering 4A

If we want to access internet, we need some items like below:
Internet Items
Client is a computer that accesses several services that exist in the client. When a client needs a service on a server, it sends a request to the server over the network.

The main function of the NIC is to allow computers to communicate on the network. It does this by sending / receiving and controlling traffic with computers or other devices on the network.

Modem is a tool that duty to exchange data from digital form to analog and vice versa. With the modem PC users can connect to the internet world.

UTP Cable
UTP cable is a special cable for data transmission.

Crimping Tool
This tool is used to 'turn off' or 'plant' the connector to the UTP cable. So once in the 'tang', then the connector is not removable.

A switch is a network tool that performs bridging transparency (connecting multiple network segments with forwarding based on MAC addresses).

Computer specifications used in internet connection, determine the fast or slow performance of internet access. The higher the computer specification the performance of internet access faster and apply the opposite.

Phone Channels
The use of this phone line is also followed by the use of dial up modem. To be able to access the internet using a cable TV network then the modem used is a cable modem.

The repeater serves to amplify the signal so that the signal is sent equal to the original signal.

Bridge is a software that connects two networks physically using the same protocol / similar. With a bridge a data packet can be sent from one LAN to another LAN.

A router is a device that works almost the same as a bridge. But this device has an advantage other than to connect two LANs with the same type, the router can also to connect two different types of LANs.

LAN Card
A card that serves as a bridge from a computer to a computer network.

Access Point
Functions the same as a modem, but the access point is more widely used as what we are familiar with the hotspot.

Server is a very important hardware in omputer network, and also internet. Server is a special computer created as a data center.

Wireless Network Adapter
Wireless network adapters are required for computers, PCs, or other devices to capture wireless signals emitted by the access point.

USB Port
USB port is one of the vital computer hardware. With the USB port, the user or client can treat Internet access on PC or computer by using USB Stick modem.

External Antenna
An external antenna is widely used for mobile broadband connectivity, which uses wireless transmitters, such as use in mobile broadband modems, or smartpone.

The Browser
The first is a web browser. Web browser function to surf the internet by using WWW or world wide web.

Drivers are software that makes hardware in a computer can run.

Operating System
Operating systems such as windows, linux, and mac are also a must have to access the internet, and install various software to access the internet.

Okay, that was a task that I have done with a sincere heart even though the eyes are sleepy heheπŸ˜‹πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚

Thankyou, Arigatou dan Terimakasih sudah mampir di blog saya, Jaa neπŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜


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